Please check our Facebook page, for more updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

We're open seven days a week, 9am-6pm. Self wash closes at 5pm. Hours may vary on holidays. We are closed on the 4th of July, Labor day, Thanksgiving day, Black Friday and from December 25th-January 1st.  Appointments are needed for all service items including face and foot trims as well as nail trims. Self serve dog wash is first-come, first-served. All full service grooms are charged at a $80 hourly rate for dogs under 60lbs and $90per hour if 60lbs and over, cat grooming is $120 per hour with an hour minimum and hand stripping is $150 per hour with a 30 minute minimum.

If you have questions or need to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at 425-392-0349. You could also email us at or if you need Sheila,